Saturday 3 March 2018

The day after

It seems that both sides in the Conservative Party were happy with May's speech yesterday, despite it containing little new, and other than a list of aspirations, there was no real idea as to how the hard Irish border can be avoided, if, as stated, UK is to leave the EU, SM and CU.

On the other side, Corbyn seemed unhappy it wasn't seen to do UK more economic damage. We have truly gone down the rabbit hole when up is down and right is wrong. All well and good both extreme wings of the Tory party being happy, but that the EU welcomed "some" clarification, it still is up to UK, and in sharp order, to come up with workable and acceptable solutions, acceptable to all sides too.

Tis is your regular reminder that Brexit will happen by simple operation of international law and the calendar at 23:00 on 29th March 2019, and the only question is as to how hard it is and how much damage it will do to the UK economy.

One question that isn't being asked is, that given how bad Brexiteers says the EU is, May and her Government is having to come up with expensive and convoluted ways of getting the same deals that we have now. And that with the EU's fallback position on the first phase of talks is strict regulatory alignment between NI and Britain and the rest of the EU, and that being unacceptable to Brexiteers, then the need for an alternative is needed, and we would like to ask those brave Brexiteers how they intend this issue to be dealt with if there can be no "traffic camera" based solutions.

May did say that Britain would apply for some associate membership of EU institutions, like for air traffic, pharmaceuticals, etc. This would mean accepting judgements to UCJ, with is an anathema to Brexiteers, but this is the reality of what they wanted.

With no deal apparently back on the table, or not, depends who you listen to, then you might think that there would be some preparations taking place, in a place, say like, I don't know, Dover. But nothing is being done. Nothing at all. And this is just one port.

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