Tuesday 24 July 2018

Monday 23rd July 2018

It is hot.

We are melting.

Please send ice.

Back in 1976 we had a drought, weeks and weeks of sunshine, hot temperatures. Grass turned brown and died, I spent six weeks in the beach, turned into a Jawa, but I remember it being fun.

2018 and this is pretty much the same, other than most of the rest of planet is baking too, over 40 people killed in Japan, terrible forest fires in Greece, and hosepipe bans in Lancashire. In fact it is getting hotter here, with a weather warning regarding not going out between ten and four during the day each day until Saturday.

It is already hot when we get up, although the sun rises later now, once it shines into the side window of the living room, temperature rises, then during the day, shines on the back of the house, turning those rooms into ovens.

Too hot to go outside, too hot to do just about anything once eight in the morning is past, and is like that until the sun dips after seven.

Night times are no better, not dropping below 20 degrees, so sleep is all but impossible, but the lump of feline flesh that is Scully just makes that impossible as we both chase the coolest part of the bed.

No one is sleeping well, so we are grumpy, coffee is too hot in the mornings, so we go straight on the gin. Saves time.

I know it's winter on the other side of the globe, but I would swap one day of this for just some cool breezes, some drizzle and a keen wind from the north.

Two hundred and three The long range forecast has no rain for the next two weeks, just the possibilities of some storms on Friday. Which will be nice, and disappointing as that is when there is a lunar eclipse.

So, for now, we snooze when we can, and lust after air conditioning, as there is little need for it usually here.

So we sweat, melt, glow our way through the days here, knowing that it will end sometime, and we can then start on moaning about how cold, windy or wet the weather is now.

Work is the same. Depending on who you want to speak to, its either their first, second or third week of vacation, and so you can at least get some tasks done, inbetween showers, iced mint juleps or ice creams.

The cats disappear for eight hours, from six until at least four, cursed with not being able to take their fur coats off, so they seek out places dark and cool, meaning I do not get disturbed while I work. But then there is always the internet to distract me.

Lunch is fried cold mashed potato, which is then crispy and hot, along with the rest of the chorizo hash. I really wanted wine or beer too, but thought that too cavalier.

So I have squash so am able to be partly productive in the afternoon.

Jools comes home at half five, I have made pasta bolognese ala Jelltex, using one of the Scotch Bonnet chilis we have grown, so it has some zing.

There is the garden to water, while we can, and then sit down in the evening shade to ponder when the next ice age is due.....

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