Tuesday 24 July 2018

Project fear? This is Project reality, I presume.

Yesterday the new, but downgrounded Minister for DExEU was before the Brexit sub-committee, and he admitted that he was working to secure there was an adequate food supply. Quite how this chimes with the much promised sunlit uplands. With this some nine months before the actual Brexit day, or not depending on your definition of that, or if it actually happens. But if a Minister is saying these now, come the new year will there be ration books and clothing stamps?

Maybe they should have written that on the side of the bus and had a different outcome in the referendum.

But that wasn't the point, promise them the world and deliver ashes and bitter tears.

On top of that the Government is also planning on stockpiling medicines and human blood products.

Now to me, this is sounding more and more like Brexit is turning into a pretty poor idea. And if only someone had pointed this out to the Brexiteers before now.

Oh yeah, they did. And the Brexiteers said they'd had enough of experts. Yeah, bloody experts and their facts, what do we need them for?

And a potential storm is blowing up on whether UK can replicate the EU schedules under WTO rules, and might have to negotiate new ones, from scratch, of any country object to this.

Oh, deep joy.

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