Sunday 1 July 2018

Some of May's greatest Brexit mistakes

1. Agreeing to PM, when she cannto make a decision. Although, admittedly, she is better than Gove, Leadsome, et al. And as for Boris.....

2. Speeches in Autumn 2016 where abartary red lines were said without cleary understanding their full implications.

3. Triggering A50 before she, the Cabinet, Government, Parliament and the country was ready.

4. Always putting party before country. Even now.

5. Creating tow new start up departments alongside the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to basically do the same job.

6. appointing Boris, DD, Fox, Gove into positions of power when they clearly should not be trusted with anything more important than a school tuckshop.

7. Not being strong enough, as Thatcher did, to impose her will onto Brexit, trying to cultivate agreement when the two opposing camp will never agree.

8. Allowing the ERG to run amok and dictate policy

9. Not understanding what the EU actually is, and why it would never allow a member, let along a 3rd party country, to cherry pick.

10. That Brexit is not an event, but a process. A process without end.

11. All movement in discussions have been from the UK side.

12. Agreeing, without apparently understanding, to the December statement with the NO fallback position

13. Threatening a no deal without actually making any preparations for no deal.

14. Using citizen's rights, security and Europol as bargaining chips.

15. Arguing against the talks timetable then capitulating on the very first morning.

16. Brexit policy as soundbites

17. Being a person who clearly backed remain and trying to lead a party into a hard Brexit.

18. Waiting for the EU to publish position papers of MoM, thus allowing the EU to set the agenda. And then complaining.

19.Being untruthful to the country and electorate. Had she levelled with the country in Autumn 2016 instead of ramping up the rhetoric, then maybe a shofter or no Brexit at all might have been possible.

20. Not sacking Boris over and over and over again for campaigning against the Governments and Cabinet's positions.

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