Saturday 21 July 2018

Saturday Brexit

The thing about being well read in most things Brexity, is that when of the Brexiteers makes something that is very complex sound very simple, then I know.

Some with newspapers, if they publish a story that look bollocks, then I can tell if it is.

But then the Sun yesterday published a story that Ireland could block UK aircraft from crossing its airspace. Thing is, that is true, or half tue, because if the UK does not have an internationally recognised aircraft inspection regime, then no UK planes would be able to file flight plans, which means they wouldn't reach Irish airspace.

JRM weighed in saying of that was Ireland's attitude, good job we're leaving the fascist EU, failing to accept that in being a leading Brexiteer, anticipating thse sorts of things and having a plan would have been good. Even essential.

Because at the end of the day, whatever clusterfuck omnishambles of a situation the UK ends up in, it will be the fault of the Brexiteers who pushed for decades without having a plan. Not even a fucking cunning plan. They have these bright ideas, get snake oil salesman to fool the country, then expect the Civil Service to make their idiotic plan work, when the venn diagram of Brexit and reality is two unconnected circles.

Latest plan is to turn the M26 into a lorry park.

The EU know that their best bet is to keep May as PM, as the alternative is either JRM or some other Brexiteer in charge, or elections.

The probably solution is an extension of A50, if there is to be a new referendum or election, otherwise, the clock is still ticking.

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