Friday 8 January 2021

Eleven months and one day

After the first COVID death in the UK, the UK Government is finally putting conditions on those entering the country, like a negative COVID test within 72 hours before departure.

Yes, through the first, second and now third wave, anyone could fly into any UK airport, that was open, get off, and travel anywhere in the country, no questions asked, not tracked.

You might call me cynical, but after demanding the right to restrict free movement and close borders, the one time this Vote Leave Government had good reason for doing so, they failed.

And failed for 11 months, even though you or I at times could be fned thousands of pounds for saying hello to a friend in a park or taking a drink with us, lest it be called a picnic. Which has just happened.

In the north of England, elderly people have been refusing a vaccine, deciding they's "wait for the English (Oxford) one". Can people be so stupid? Yes, and they voted for Brexit.

In London, the Mayor has declared a major emgerncy, as 1 in 30 Londoners are no COVID positive, and the city's hospitals are about the we overwhelmed.

I wish you a good weekend.

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