Thursday 28 January 2021

Priti dumb

Yesterday, the Home Secretary, one of the great offices of State, made a state ment to the House regarding "COVID hotels".

THis made all the BBC new bulletins, and sounded fine, and sensible, of being done a year later, nearly that either Australia or New Zealand.

But closer inspection of her words and questions put to her on that subject shows that this is just another announcement with no actual planning to cak it up.

They have no identified hotels.

How many hotels.

Which countries traving from whould require a stay in one of these.

Which legislation covers such a scenrio.

I mean, this is the usual way for former journalists, writing headline, fluffing up the story with made up shit, but when push comes to shove it means as much as me saying that by May I want to get inside a pair of thirty two inch waist jeans. I have no plan on how to do it, but it sounds good.

And even if Patel decides this is the way to go, such hotels are at least two weeks away, and the details have yet to be considered, let along mitigated.

Meanwhile, over 1700 more people died yesterday.

Nothing is now said of track and trace, the billions spaffed all gone into the black hole that is Dido Harding.

The supply of vaccines has been turned into a weapon with the Astra-zenaca one now only being supplied in reduced amounts to the EU, while the front pages of the Mail, Times, Torygraph et all call it "our" vaccine, while yesterday the Conservative Party put out Tweets of a picture of the Union flag boasting the UK was leading Europe in vaccinations carried out.

There is no "winner" in COVID, only for humanity when all people on the planet are vaccinated. Manufacture of the vaccines should be nationalised, other companies allowed to make all varients and supplied free to all people on the planet. Without that, millions of the poorest people on the planet will die, but the Big Pharm and their shareholders will make a ton of cash.

Which is what it is all about, making fortunes out of a pandemic.

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