Saturday 13 January 2018

Friday 12th January 2018

A day working from home, and a day in which I had to take Molly back to the vet to get the biopsy results, and hopefully get the green light to let her out of the glasshouse.

That did mean having the car and so I had to drop Jools off so she could catch the coach to Hythe, I would collect her some point in the afternoon once the work for the day was done.

We rushed round getting the early morning tasks done, and Jools getting showered dressed and all in time to leave home by twenty to seven, a quick zip down Jubilee Way to the port so she was just in time for the coach, and me go back home, feed Molly and get myself ready for work too.

I had two hours to get stuff done, until I put my coat on and went to collect Molly from the bathroom. She did put up a fight, and meowed loudly a few times as we walked down to the kitchen and then out to the car. There was some emergency at the vet which meant we just sat there until we could be seen. Molly has been improving, more lively, more meowy, more Molly-like, so I wasn't worried.

In time I was shown in and read the results. Not cancer, but not all good news either, as she has acute pancreatitis. It might be controllable through diet, and the fact that she had improved during the week since the operation is good. But she must eat a special diet, have regular jabs, and, well, we shall see. Other than that, and her low weight, which is connected with the pancreatitis, she is fine. So, I take her home. I was advised to keep her inside for at least 5 more days, but I think we may let her out over the weekend.

Twelve We go back home and I gave her half a pack of the special food, don't look to nice, but she eats most of it. I have to leave her in the bathroom while I catch up on work, joining in a presentation of what it is exactly we do, thought I might learn something. And anyway I could have lunch while I looked at the webinar. There was also some Doritos, and I played with the idea of having a beer while I made them disappear, but opt for tea instead, as I really should do some exercise later in the afternoon.

I have some important mails to send before the end of the working day, somehow it is half three, Denmark had begun the weekend, so I send the mails and mine begins too. And once Jools comes home and I explain what the results mean, I had rustled up a patch of pastry and was just waiting for the finished mince pies to cool enough to be able to be removed from the tin. So 20 minutes later, we sit down and have coffee and pies.

The darling buds of January We have the radio on for an hour or so, but the day is getting on, should I phys?

I go on the cross trainer and do a good half hour session. Music makes it bearable, and Micky makes me up the tempo, as does Mmmmm Nop, which pops up from somewhere. Good pop music is good pop music. Simple as that. Medicine Show by Big Audio Dynamite hits the spot too.

I should have made sausage rolls, but Jools said she wanted burgers, so for the 3rd time that week, I had burger. Burger with a side order of burger. Mmmmmm.

And that was the day, really. Time for a shower, sit with Molly for a but, and then lay in bead to read until the Sandman took me from this world.

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