Saturday 6 January 2018

Friday 5th January 2018

I can't lie, this with Molly has me emotionally drained. Much, much worse than with my Mother. Quite shocking really.

But Molly and I have been through lots together, overcome many changes, and thrived on that change. The thought of losing her is horrifying.

And yet, life goes on no matter what, and I really have to knuckle down at work. Jools lets me sleep until quarter to seven, meaning she is going in to see molly as I get up. Molly is fine, hungry and still grumbling. I go down to have a coffee and try to make sense of things before starting work.

Five I had plans for the day, all laid out, and then I checked the mails. Seems that international tax is THE most important thing in the world, so I have to update a spreadsheet, with locations and activities for every day of last year. This required cross-checking with my Outlook calendar. Two hours of the day was lost.

And then there is meetings. And more work, so with us having to go to the vets again in the afternoon, then go and pick up Jools, something had to give. So I did what I thought was important and called it a day. It was quarter past one.

I go to Hythe to pick up Jools, Molly was in the back, then fighting back through school run traffic to get back to Dover for three and making her appointment. The task is to check her scar and also for infections. The good news is all is good, but we have to return in the morning too. By then it was nearly four, the day was done and we were bushed. And it had a day less than usual for me, two less for Jools. How does that work?

Back home we put molly back in the bathroom, and I cook dinner; chorizo hash again, because it boss that's why. We break the no booze thing to have a glass or two of wine with dinner, before sitting down to watch the Merseyside FA Cup derby on the tellybox.

OK< I'm all done it, so lets just skip to Saturday!

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