Saturday, 20 January 2018

Friday 19th January 2018

At last the final working day of the week, and I had set myself a list of jobs to do, in ascending scale of difficulty.

This would take some doing.

And to help my tired legs, it was a rest day, or a day off from the cross trainer. I could do it, but in truth the day would be busy enough without phy.

Fire in the sky Jools leaves me, and I sip my coffee watching the sun rise the other side of the dip. It takes its time to make its way from the horizon to clear the roofline of the houses on the other side, but just after eight a pinprick of bright light shone between the corner of a roof and chimney, and in seconds, a quarter of the sun was visible, already too bright to look at directly.

So, lets get it on! I switch the laptop on, and work my way down the list, and come midday, I have done it, meetings attended, mails sent and calls made.

I have a ham sandwich for lunch and survey my work, and I saw that it was good. To round the day off there was the monthly department meeting, then followed by two very pleasant social Skype calls, where I caught up with two friends. So good to have time to speak to people, and listen to their, and my, issues/worries.

Jools comes home and then takes Molly to the vet; not much to add, Moll was having another B12 jab, but Jools got to speak to Chris who did her operation, so got lots of background information, and ask better questions than I could. So, cautiously optimistic, and with care, Molly might be back to her bouncing self by the summer. She is a bit more chirpy, and is jumping up to drink from the bathroom sink. If the weather is inclement, she also uses the litter tray so not to get wet. So, she's not stupid either.

Nineteen Many months ago we planned to go out for a meal with our good friends, Gary and Julie, but the day of the meal, Julie fell and broke her foot, and since then there was the time away with Mum for us. And then when we were free, they were going out the same night. But, with Christmas over and everywhere quieter, we arranged to meet at The Plough, a Beefeater Inn, but OK, right by where Jools and I tied the knot nearly ten years ago.

We all arrive at the same time, Gary gets the first (and only) round in and we take to our table to look at the menu and talk more.

The food is not sensational, but the ribs I had were pretty good, nearly Bones good, which is fine. We have coffee and a small piece of cake, and that is it. Time to go home, and with me having had just the one pint, able to drive us back.

And that was Friday, and now the weekend.

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