Sunday 21 July 2019

The calm before the storm.

I am increasingly of the opinion, that if Johnson is made PM on Tuesday, then it would be better he blustered his way into filling his "battle" cabinet with Brexiteers and Eton Joyboys so that the inevitable crisis happens sooner rather than later. Because, if a crisis comes sooner, it give the adults who will pick up the pieces longer to sort it out.

Johnson is many things: a liar, philanderer, Eton old boy, Bullingdon Club alumni, and so on. But he should not the Conservative Party leader, nor PM.

He will shuffle the cabinet. I suspect not many will remain in place. Philip Hammond has said if Johnson is made PM, he would resign, unless Johnson's policies had the support of the House.

Hammond would be first to be replaced. Hopefully by DD as he clearly is a whizz at figures and maths. He would be great. Great at bringing that crisis forward.

But, you know, I'm sure it'll all end well.

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