Friday 22 April 2022


That's how many people died in the UK in the 24 hours up to 16:00 on 21st April 2022.

And yet the Govenement would have you believe its all over and we're the only country that has "learned to live with it", while other places in the world, haven't.

Testing continues to crash in numbers, and so people will go about their lives, infected and so infecting.


And while it is true that those vaccinated will probably only have mild symptoms, there is a 5% chance that each infection can lead to "long COVID".

Long COVID is under researched, back can mean brain, lunch or liver damage, and years of impared life and possible need to support from the State, if there is any money to go round.

And it is all avoidable, but just too hard, apparently.

So, with some people suffering 3rd or even 4th infections, the possibility that they will suffer chronic conditions increases each time.

The cost to the nation in the long term is unknow, but was avoidable, if only we had a Government that took such risks seriously.

If only.

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