Friday 1 April 2022

Thursday 31st March 2022

Last day of the month.

And with the forecast for rain, then hail, then sleet and finally snow by the end of the day, it started with bright sunshine, if only until lunchtime.

Although it was cold, and would feel colder as the winds picked up.

Not much changes in the morning: we get up, have coffee, make small talk and then Jools leaves for the office at six, and I have the day to myself with just work and four cats to share it with.

Ninety One thing was certain; it was too cold to go out!

Each day is the same now, and I'm not going to labour the point. There is work, there are meals, I make brews and listen to the radio, but whatever I do all day it takes all day to do.

I had a meeting at one, and as I was preparing, got hit by a sharp migraine. A sparkly star in the middle of my eyeline. I lay down for half an hour so the worst is gone, do the meeting, but as soon as it was over, log out from work after setting an out of office message.

I went to bed, where I was joined by Cleo, who was very happy with the turn in events. She snuggled behind my knees as I dozed.

The afternoon passed.

I got up, cleared away the office and made fritters for dinner. This time using Moroccan spice instead of curry powder and adding diced dried fruits too.

Also worked.

We clear away, and after playing Crib, I win, so we go to bed as the wind howls aroud the house again, making it sound and feel like January, not the final hours of March.

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