Monday 25 April 2022

Sunday 24th April 2022

Part 2 of the weekend.

Depsite being still being April, spring is galloping ahead, and so thoughts turn to bluebells and our favourite bluebell wood at Stockbury.

We were awake shortly after six, we had all day, but why not get out and snapping?

Why not indeed.

After coffee, I loaded the car with cameras, and we left to go up the A2, stopping off at the petrol station at the Duke of Yorks, where little over half a tank cost £56! This is going to get serious.

One hundred and fourteen I also bought some chocolate, so we could have some energy for the morning.

Not much traffic about, so we cruised up to and past Canterbury to the start of the motorway at Faversham, then up to the A249 junction, where would is underway to create another, bigger junction.

We go down the hill towards Detling before turning off, parking at the blocked off lane, and I get my gear out the back.

Early Purple Orchid Orchis mascula var. alba There should have been sunny intervals giving way to to endless sunshine by nine. But what we had was a lot of cloud. Almost total cloud cover, which meant not good shots of the bluebells.

Oh noes.

The bluebells were out, and in peak bluebell condition, but even with the light balance changed on the camera, shots were not just up to it. I put on the ring flash, and we go to snap some orchids, hoping the light would improve in the half hour it would take to walk round the reserve.

Early Purple Orchid Orchis mascula We find the trio of pure white EPOs just down from the path, and a few white bluebells too. Now, are they White Bluebells or just White Bells? I think we should be told.

Down the steep and slippery steps to look for the Lesser Butterfly, where I find a few good spikes, and one spike looking like it was coming into flower!


Back to the top and a half hour wait for me for the break in clouds that would light the bluebells to give the right colour to the bluebells. Yes, I felt a twit, but was worth it. I got three usable shots, which is what it was all about.

Worth the wait I walk back to the car where Jools was waiting, shall we go home?

Yes, yes we shall.

So back onto the main road, up to the motorway and to home, calling in at Lydden for a quick look at the man Orchids, none out but one will be in a day or three.

Worth the wait In April.


Back home for a brew.

Dinner was steak and ale pie, roast potatoes, steamed veggies and lashings of gravy.


We both have wine, and after clearing up, the main job was, as usual, to stay awake for the football. The highlight of which was the Merseyside Derby, with Liverpool running out 2-0 winners.

The afternoon drew to an end.

We had croissants for supper, then watched as a female fox ate peanuts and took two fat balls back to her den, darkness fell, and we went to bed.

Monday in the morning.

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