Friday 1 April 2022

Paradise lost

This week, the Chancellor, said that the change in the trading arrangements with the EU was going to cause problems.

This is a major change from a (quiet) Brexiteer.

But he still went on to say that the scale was in some way linked too to COVID.

Let me say this, there is no Leave or Remain now. As a matter of fact, the UK left the EU and later the CU and SM.

There is no Remain because we have left.

All there is now is how to deal in the realities.

What is the final form of Brexit?

What will our political and economic relationship with the EU and Europe be? We were told that we were leaving the EU not Europe, and yet that seems to have been ignored.

Predictions on the damage this particular form of hard Brexit was pretty accurately predicted. A loss of GDP of 4%, twice as large as the hit from COVID, but the hot from Brexit is forever, or until we change course.

I will carry on writing, occasionally, about Brexit because it still matters, facts still matter, jobs still matter, truth still matters.

Brexit promised us a deal if not better than membership, then no worse.

That has been broken.

We were promised a FTA area 10x larger than the EU in economic terms. That is larger than the value in trade for the entire planet.

That was a lie.

Johnson told us his deal was oven cready and cakeist.Best of both worlds.

That was a lie.

Which is shy he is trying to roll back on what he negotiated and agreed too.

All of this is a matter of public record, we can go back and challenge them on what was said and what has been delivered. If I can remember, the Political Editors of the BBC, ITV and other media networks should be able to remember too.

Hold them to account, its literally your job.

For the sake of democracy.

For the sake of the country.

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