Wednesday 20 April 2022

Tuesday 19th April 2022

12th (twelfth) anniversary me of joining the renewables industry.

Wow, those 12 years went fast. And only three years less than I was in the RAF for, and that seemed like forever.

I would celebrate by going back to work after the four day weekend, would my old boss or new boss speak to me or share the plan for the months and years ahead? I wasn't holding my breath.

All I had to do was remember my work password.

Now, what was it?

And once I remember that, the laptop logs on, downloads 500 Windows updates and I have to restart the computer.

Welcome to the future where computers make our lives so much simpler.

Or not.

Mostly not.

But my Danish colleagues are back from their week off, so we call and chat and swap news, mostly about the stuff we did over the weekend.

I had two whole e mails to deal with that had come in over the weekend, one being minutes of a meeting I almost slept through last Thursday, so that was helpful.

There is a fridge full of leftovers, so I have a plan. Make chop suey ragu, just put everything in it: pigs in blankets, roast potaties, steamed vegetables, stuffing, as well as ground beef, tinned tomatoes and herbs.

Borage It took all day to reduce it all down to a sludge and be ready for dinner, but I hoped it would be good. It would be unique.

That's for sure.

I should have gone out for a walk, but I had a lawnmower to fix. It starts and ten stops, so I do a Google search and it seems simple to fix.

One hundred and nine I take off the air filter and carburetor, and its nothing like the video I watched.

I wipe the inside of the carburetor and try to reassemble it to the mower.

Won't fit.

Great, I have a non-working mower now in two pieces.

I used to be a technician, you know.

My back now hurts and I ponder a beer, but go for tea instead.

I pack away the work computer, make the house look tidy, mainly by me not sitting around looking like two pounds of roughstuff tied up ugly, or so my dea old Dad would say. Often.

Imperial I boil pasta, warm the ragu one last time and serve.

It was. Interesting.

And not bad.

Just as well as there was like half a gallon left over for freezing and hiding in the bottom of the freezer for when proper food runs out.

There is football to watch. Good football, Liverpool v Man Utd, and Liverpool givem Utd a footballing lesson, winning 4-0, and Utd was lucky to get nil.

Still, gotta laugh.

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