Thursday 28 April 2022

Small and further away

It emerged this week, that the trade deals done by the UK since economic Brexit two years ago are 178 times SMALLER than the loss of trade from the EU.

So, although any increase in trade is welcome, it should always be viewed with the whole economic piture in mind.

That the UK is prioritising trade deals with Australia and New Zealand, literally both on the other side of the world, rather than repair trade with our closed and high volume trading partners in Europe is frankly mad.

But the mantra that the EU is bad and all is else is good, unless they invate Ukraine (other countries are also available for invasion), and that a deal with India is a prize even if it means immigration from there will dwarf what it replaces from the EU.

It is indeed mad.

And today, JRM announced that the increased import checks are to be delayed a 4th time, as either the UK is not ready to implement them, or the further reduction in imports will lead to yet more shortages and/or price increases.

But that means that the with that and the plan to remove all trariffs from all fod imports means that the UK would be starting any future negotiations from a weakest position, as nothing is better than zero tariffs.

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