Wednesday 20 April 2022

The liar lied

Well, there's a fucking surprise.

So said My Cousin Vinny.

Johnson is to face a vote on Thursday whether he should be referred to the standards commission.

The Conservative Party is whipping MPs to block it.

The question is, if he didn't lie, he would want to clear his name, no?

The real problem would be it would be on record, and people could be called as witnesses to contradict his lies or to support allegations.

At the heart of the matter is that MPs, Ministers and Prime Ministers should tell the truth in the House, or if it is found they have not, then invited to correct the record.

Because at the moment the punishment for accusing another Momber of lying is far worse than a Member who actually lies. And until that is fixed, there will be a problem. That and the fact that it is the Prime Minister who decides f the Ministerial Code was broken or not, even if the Minister who broke it is himself.

If Johnson gets away with it, as he will, it means that future Prime Ministers and Government Ministers know they can lie too, and debate and demcracy will be dead.

Ministers and the usual papers are either supporting Johnson, downplaying what he has done, or plain ignoring the story. Yes, I'm talking to you Daily Mail.

Democracy dies in plain sight.

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