Tuesday 15 November 2022

Falling down

“Without Brexit, we wouldn’t be talking about austerity this week,” Michael Saunders tells ar reporter on Monday in his first on-air interview since leaving the Bank of England’s monetary policy committee.

Not only that, but half the "black hole" of £60 billion, is down to Tuss's disaster budget and the bailing out the Bank of England had to do to stop our pension fnds from crashing.

Add to that the £37 billion for Dido Harding's failed Test and Trace scheme, as you can see, there would be no need for cuts.

Even if that black hole wasn't there due to Conservative Party and Government policies, Government and nations can fund such shortfalls in other ways. Austerity is a choice, a political one, one that punishes those that can afford it least.

Meanwhile, Fmr Environment Sec George Eustice has spoken about the post-Brexit UK/Australia trade deal in the Commons. He says now no longer a minister: "I no longer have to put such a positive gloss on what was agreed...the Australia deal is not actually a very good trade deal for the UK." But voted for it because it was Government policy, even though he knew it was bad for the UK economy and its farmers.

And then he voted against a Labour admendment to allow scrutiny. THe Tories really do hate this country.

It is clear in Ministerial responsibilities that his and any Minister's first duty and loyalty is to the country, not to the Party or Prime Minister.

And finally, the French Stock Exchange, The Bourse, is now worth more than that of the City of London. London began 2016 with a £1.4 trillion lead in value, now that has been lost.

Project fear really became project reality. Even if serving Ministers and the BBC won't say so.

Meanwhile we all get poorer, but the poorest will be poorest of all.

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