Friday 25 November 2022

Thursday 24th November 2022

Another day.

Is this what life id, doing the same soul-sapping job until we're too old and our will has been drained?

Asking for a friend.

As my last year in the old company was so great, even if things had gone OK here, it would still be a disapointment. But the chaos is really difficult to deal with. But life goes on, and always there is the promise that this time its going to be different.

Each day there are four games in the World Cup, the first one at ten, then a new one starting every three hours until the 4th finished at nine. Or thereabouts.

So, with work on one computer with the big screen, then the football plays quietly on my home PC. So, I get my work done and keep up to date with the game.

Now, writing 24 hours after the first game, I can't remember who played or what was the score, its eye candy really.

I looked in the fridge, there was a single pig in blanket and a few buts of steak. I could combine those for a sandwich, but for that I needed bread, I could drive to Tesco, or I could bake a loaf.

I baked a loaf.

A small loaf

Takes about 15 to mix, then an hour to rise, and then half an hour to bake. Once done, I couldn't wait for it to cool, I just cut the crust off and the next slice, buttered them and sliced the bacon wrapped banger and made a sarnie fit for an international playboy and quality expert.


There was football and work through the afternoon, while outside rain fell hard and the wind blew remaining leaves from the trees.

Well it is November.

Chorizo hash for dinner, and I thought I had some wine left from the weekend, but the bottle was almost empty. Switch to squash or open another bottle.

I opened another bottle.

And then, while Brazil took part in the final first round of group games, we went out.

And the rain was falling so hard it was like we would need an ark.

Bev and Steve were already in their car, and they took us into Walmer for the monthly quiz at The Lighthouse.

Last month Jools and I did well, this time we had four heads, and we hoped to d better than finish 4th from last.

Three hundred and twenty eight We had our table, and after eight rounds of tough quizzing, we finished joint second, winning a cash prize to be shared between us all.

Yay, us.

Steve had another beer to celebrate, I had a wee dram.

To the voctors, the spoils.

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