Saturday 26 November 2022

Friday 25th November 2022

I think, on Thursday evening, I had: 2 glasses of red wine, three pints of mild and a wee dram.

Not a huge amount, but more than normal.

And I had a woolly head in the morning.

We laid in to half six, we hadn't got home until nearly 11 the night before, and ven that didnt seem enough sleep.

I had half an hour to get up, have a coffee and be ready for work at seven, with five hours of meetings to look forward to. Jools had a shower and went to work, I put the bins out and got ready for the day's rituals.

A meeting with by temporary boss's boss, where he told us things are not as bad they seem, and the fact we're all whining pos is a good thing that shows we care. Or something.

Then audit updates, where two audiees decline, and there is no updates.

I am tempted to escalate this, but will see next week.

And so with some free time, I put on the football on my home laptop, have lunch of jam sandwiches, and discuss the latest diasters with colleagues.

Disasters always happen on Fridays, seems to be the law.

I finish at one, and so pack the office away, go upstairs to take some shots out of the windows when I went to clean my teeth. And the little Canon cmpact I have had for six and a half years, took two shots and. Died.

I tried to reset it, but nothing has worked. A lens error that causes the camera to emergency shut down. Again and again.

Three hundred and twenty nine So, thoughts of wandering around town before my dental appointment are scrapped as I try to get the camera working again. No luch, so leave home at two and rush to park the car near the church. I end up having twenty minutes before I can go up to the dentists, so wander along Biggin Street where every other shop is now closed. It is really striking.

Here comes the weekend They may be a recession, but Dover COuncil's decisions to allow retail expansion up in Whitfied has killed off pretty much what was left of the centre of town, no amount of smoking fountains are going to attract visitors to town, even with the multiplying of car parks. Nothing to visit for.

I Wander back to Castle Street and go up the stairs to the waiting room, and due to a issue with the previous patient, there was a delay. So I chat with the receptionist about the town and how its on its uppers.

Scully I go up to the surgery and the dentist looks at what is to be done, looks in my mouth and asks, "who decided to fill this?"

You did.

Well, I don't think I need to take out the old filling, I can repair what's there and do no numbing jabs.

Happy with that.

So, he gets to work, very careful to to cause any pain, and stops every few seconds if I was in any pain.

I wasn't, I said, but years ago, I was having a root canal done and the dentist assured me the root was dead before inserting a post and finding the one part of root very much alive.

Oh, I see, he said.

No pain this time. In fact in 20 minutes he was sanding down the edges, checking with some kind of paper that showed up high spots, more sanding and filing. And it was done.

Amazing. After 15 years of military dentists, and the pain and shoddy work they did, this was on another level. I might have to pay, but worth it I think.

Back home to meet up with Jools. Her cough is back as bad as ever, and she wanted a chippy tea: chips and a battered sausage, so at half four she goes to pick that up from Castle Street, I make brews and butter slices of bread for butties.

We eat that, wash up, all ready for the music quiz, in which I come third on the night and in third place for the whole month. I win nothing for either, just glory and envy from those who finished below.

Or something.

Then, as if all that wasn't exciting enough, round to Bev and Steve's to watch the England v USA game, with much expected after England's six goals against Iran last time out.

But England never really got going, and were second best for long periods, and England luky to hang on for a point and a 0-0 draw. The result and performance was tempered by the draft Leffe Christmas beer Steve was serving.


Then we had a small glass of the 1963 port I took round.

Double cheers.

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