Saturday 5 November 2022

Friday 4th November 2022

I slept uninterrupted for nearly ten hours.

I can't begin to tell you how wonderful a sentence that was to write.

COVID is bad enough, but not being able to sleep as well is just horrible.

So, more fluid through Thursday, another walk, and things much better.

The only downside was that by the time I woke up and camestairs, Jools had tested herself and found she too was positive. Not that surprising, really.

She was due to have her 4th jab Friday afternoon. So close.

So, she can't go to work, but as she felt OK, better than on Wednesday and Thursday, she tried to log into her work account and work from home. It took some time, but she did it, and so managed to stay caught up, and our broadband handled two work accounts and my home PC too.

I did a whole day's work, well enough to catch up and send out meeting invites and all my details for travel next week all sorted out.

I bake a batch of Norfolk Short Cakes for lunch, so we have a couple each with a huge brew, and so once work finished, we went out for a walk.

Three hundred and eight Twas a glorious late autumnal afternoon, clear blue skies and golden foliage, but neither of us really wanted to be out, but both knowing we had to, really. We walk up and down three of the four streets on our small estate, back home for twenty past three, just in time to put the badger food out, make a fresh coffee and watch the sunset to the west and moon rise to the east.

Dinner was jambaaya, using the recipe from the course Jools went on. Came out well, even without the right sausages, but it seems venison and cranberry sausages go with almost everything.

I open a bottle of reserve red plonk, and we eat well.

There was football, but my heart wasn't in it, so go to bed at half eight hoping to get another nine hours kip.

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