Tuesday 23 February 2016

Tuesday 23rd February 2016


Rain was still falling outside, but even that, being a Monday and the start of the working week could not dampen my mood. Not only have I finally got an answer to the question about my allergy, I have a way forward, no attack for a week, but at work, I have completed a major task, and so am waiting enjoying the calm before the work and travel begins to ramp up, starting next week.

But, another health scare to report! I have had dizzy spells all weekend, usually when I am laying in bed, the rooms spins; just like when I've been on the pop. But without the fun of having supped some ale or wine. I have an infection of the inner ear, or so I found out later in the day when I went into Deal to see a locum's locum. Just let my body fight the infection, apparently. And enjoy the ride, when the room begins to spin.

So, I feel well enough to drive, and it is much easier to take myself to the quack rather than wake the old folks at Whitfield for a lift. And anything is better than being in a car with Tony to be honest. But in order to have the car, I have to drive Jools to work, leaving at quarter to seven. Once down Jubilee Way, we go along Townwall Street to find long term roadworks have been installed, and the signs say expect delays for 52 weeks. That is delays on top of the delays caused by the port. The mind boggles and we both are working out alternative routes in getting anywhere rather than going through town.

A walk round Deal In Hythe there are more roadworks, so more going round the houses, along the seafront, past the one-grand hotels and into the factory, then retrace my tyre tracks home, only this time going back down the Old Folkestone Road, which was going to be easier than along past the docks. I get home at eight, time to make a brew, have breakfast then switch the computer on and get some work done.

At none I go to the quacks; it isn't raining yet, but the heavy clouds overhead suggested it wouldn't be long. An easy drive into Deal, I find a parking place near to the pier, handy for the 2nd breakfast I was planning once I had seen the doctor.

A walk round Deal I walked to the surgery, sat in the waiting room ready to be called. I explained the symptoms, the quack thought, and said you have an inner ear infection. Which is just what my Google search had said, but always good to check. Did I get dizzy when standing or when walking? no. In which case, nothing he could do, but it it gets worse, come back for meds. Bye.

A walk round Deal So, I am out again in 20 minutes, I think I deserve a breakfast on the pier. So after walking down Middle Street to snap a chimney (don't ask), I walk back along the sea front to the foor of the pier, then along it to the cafe. As I walk, heavy drizzle begins to fall. It is grim, so I pick up the pace, the though of greasy sausages driving me on.

Portabello Court, Deal, Kent Once inside, I take a seat with views back ong the pier to the seafront a couple of hundred yards away. Double sausage, bacon, beans, mushrooms and quadruple hash browns as I skip the tomatoes, and due to my intollerance of eggs, the eggs. It is might large, and tasty. Thanks to two pots of tea, I polish it off, and would not need feeding until well into the evening.

Bac home I check on the mails form work, then go to cook pasta salad for tea: recipe to follow at the end of this post!

The day progresses, rain stops and there is something approaching a fine sunset to mark the end of the day. However, the cloud fails to clear further so we don't see the full moon rising at twenty past six. I drove into town to pick Jools from the bus from Folkestone; then back along Reach Road with the fine views over the Channel to the French ports, lights twinkling in the clear air. How lucky we are to live here and be able to see such things.

Once home we prepare the aubergine, like a factory line, egg and breadcrumbing, then shallow-frying the slices in olive oil until they are golden brown and delicious. We sit down to eat at seven, with beer/cider, and have a fine light meal. One of our favourites, so easy, and make enough to have cold again tomorrow. And maybe Wednesday too.

It seems we have both run out of patience with Channel 5, so tape The X Files, and will watch it later in the week. We head to bed again at half nine, ready for a good night's sleep. Another day down, four more to go before we have the weekend monsoon again.

Pasta salad


About 400g of dried pasta (this is a guess, I have no idea, maybe enough for two meals for two people
half litre of low fat natural yoghurt
small tub of cottage cheese
4oz cheddar cheese, grated
ground black pepper

Note: I use flavoured cottage cheese, usually chive and onion, but any will do. Makes something different each time.


Cook pasta until soft. Rinse with boiling water, return to pan.
Mix in grated cheese, trying to coast pasta with melted cheese.
Mix in yoghurt and cottage cheese.
As soon as mixed in, put in fridge for two hours to chill.
Remove and stir, now ready to eat, but cover with cling film to stop pasta from drying out.
Remove from fridge half an hour before eating.

Breaded aubergine

One aubergine will do for one person 1 or two meals. Yesterday, I did three medium aubergine, enough for two meals and enough for Jools' lunch tomorrow.
plain flour
olive oil


Top and tail each aubergine, then peel the skin off. slice thinly. I like the really thin, but Jools likes them quite thick, 0.5cm.
sprinkle each slice with salt, then coat with plain flour, the egg and milk mix, then with breadcrumbs.
Shallow fry in olive oil on each side until golden brown. I like mine well done, but each to their own.

Wonderful freshly cooked, almost as good cold the next day.


LaBelleProvince said...

Thank you! Now I can play along with the home version. And I made the Hash a la Jelltex on the weekend, with sriracha sausages, and it was utterly sublime.

jelltex said...

The firmer the aubergine the better I think, easier to peel for sure.