Saturday 12 May 2018

He's Mr Know it all.

The alternative Prime Minister of England, JRM, yesterday announced he had not seen the NI/Irish Border, nor need he to understand it and it's problems. This is because he had been briefed by those nice chaps at the DUP, none of whose constituencies are actually near the borders, and you may also remember that the DUP were the only NI political party to vote against the GFA, so there might be other motives for them pushing other solutions.

Anyway, this shows the uber-Brexiteer's attitude to any actual details, by pretending that they know all about it, it's no problem and we should just get on with it. Without actually coming up with a solution, other than storming out of talks with the EU like a truculent teenager. And the right are pushing for Lord Snooty here to be the next Prime Minister; what did we do to deserve this. Oh yeah, Brexit.

Meanwhile, May has split the cabinet up, and set one side to forward the two preferred solutions, that the EU has already both rejected, in the hope that by staring at blank pages of paper for long enough, something will happen.

Also remember, that no border between a country in a trading block and one outside is or can be infrastructure free. The WTO says it can't be done. There is a way it can be done, but means UK collecting the EU's taxes for them, and the EU accepting we are trustworthy to do this. It might happen, but then again. But a solution that only features one or two of the three hurdles, SM, CU and VAT, will require infrastructure and lots and lots of red tape.

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