Saturday 29 August 2020

Give them credit

In order to book a COVID test through the UK Government's own webiste, you have to go through an ID check via US credit company, TransUnion. If you don't agree to this, no COVID test.

Anyone who thinks the Government under the evil genius, Cummings, wouldn't use the crisis to harvest data hasn't been paying attention.

So, wonder how much Cummings and the Cabinet Office are getting as a backhander from TransUnion for this data source?

If you atually believed the Tories when they said the NHS would be safe under them, then then there is no hope for you.

Remember, in July there was an Opposition amendment to ban this, but the Conservatives voted it down.

Meanwhile, the UK Governement is starting its project to create the computer system that is needed at the end of the year.

It doesn't exist yet, and has to be working in two months to test out.

But I'm sure its all under control.

Heck, they're even considering asking freight companies about their thoughts. I believe their first thoughts are along the lines of "why isn't this done already, you had four years!".

But don't worry, Boris is in charge, he's taken direct control. Of many things.

So, don't worry.

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