Sunday 16 August 2020

When will it end?

I love my country.

I served my country for 15 years.

But these last 5 years has been testing.

Ten years of Conservative austerity, followed by the referendum, followed by Cameron then May, then three years of lies and chaos, then turning on the Judicary the press and fact based decision making, then windrush, then the hostile environment, then Johnson, then Brexit then COVID 19, and now the A level fiasco.

England, in particular, is filled with hate. Some hate everything they are not. White, generally male, gammon, middle class, Daily Mail readers.

Social media gives everyone a voice, and some use that to spew hate.

Hate at people who are not like them.

Hate at people who do not think like them.

People who do not believe in Brexit.

People who do not believe in masks.

People who only care about themselves, take no blame.

THere is a strong chance that Brexit will fade away. It will be rough for a while, but things will settle down. If we can, we will move to France. Or Belgium. A little farm, with land we can support ourselves on, and we can switch off and forget about what the rest of the world is doing, because, quite frankly, knowing what a fuck up things are, and how pleased the Cabinet filled with the likes of Priti, Raab, Gove, Hancock and Johnson are with the job they have done this far, I wast to run away and forget about it. And just let them get on with it.

The country was warned what would happen. They voted for it anyway. And Parliament votes away its right of scrutiny. Turkeys really do, and have, voted for Christmas.

I will continue to write about this, as a testament to the folly of hate and lies.

I hate no one. Not anyone who voted for Brexit, believing things would be better. I don't want vengeance, but I would like to see a night like the 1997 election when the whole load of them are voted out of office. But they are gerrymandering already, Tory forever. That is our future.

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