Monday 6 September 2021

Double speak.

In an article in yesterday's Sunday Torygraph, there was a large opinion piece about Scottish indepndence.

The gist was it would be Brexit time ten (x10).

Are the Torygraph saying that as no one can say Brexit is going badly that Indyref2 will deliver ten times the benefits of Brexit, in which case there is nothing to fear from it.

Or are they saying the unsayable that Brexit is going badly and Indyref2 will deliver ten times the economic hit?

Because it seems that Jeremy Vone over on BBC Radio 2 is asking should we just stop blaming the shortages of food, timber, drivers, agri-workers, etc, on Brexit?

Maybe they should get to gether and agree on it and then get back to us with fresh questions.

Meanwhile the Daily Hate Mail has run three "perfect storm of Covid and Brexit" stories in the last week.

I see some shops are spacing goods out on shelves to make them appear fully stocked, or where that's impossible, removing entire aisles, with only the old COVID on way markings left on the floor to remind us of what is no longer there. That and a space large enough to play badminton in.

Meanwhile, UK businesses have spent £7.5 billion on paperwork in the first eight months of the year. That'll make a dent in anyone's profits.

Meanwhile the Government's line on explaing how they are going to break a clear manifesto promise not to raise taxes, by explaing; "apparently, gov't are "not breaking" their manifesto promises, but "merely deferring" them.

How does that work on a promise not to raise national insurance? How can one defer a promise NOT to do something, by doing it?

And anyway, there is more than enough money to pay for social care, there's £350,000,000 a week that we no longer send to the EU, we could use some of that?

I'm sure I saw it written somewhere. Big and in whte letters on a red bus-like background......

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