Saturday 4 September 2021

Friday 3rd September 2021

Again, we have nearly made it to the weekend.

Well done, team.

There is just the pain of Friday at work for me, and non-worked-related chores for Jools.

I sleep through the alarm, and wake up as she is leaving the house for swimming at five to six, meaning I have a hour or three to prepare myself for work, make a second brew and get busy. As the time arrived when I had to hand in audit reports and prepare for the next round of audits. Four audit agendas to write and arrange meetings for.

Elderberries So, I am a blur of activity from seven to midday, being able to help Jools when she returned from swimming and shopping with a week's goods from hunting and gathering. And the news is, most things we wanted was in stock, just not in huge amounts. But we have rice and pasta now for a couple of months, not panic buying, just topping up on the no deal store, as more checks on imports are due to begin next month.

Sloes Maybe.

We have fruit for breakfast. And another brew for me.

I work on.

Lunch is leftover fritters and a spicy steak slice Jools got from Morrisons when she went out to get bird seed.

We didn't starve.

At two, I am done for for the week, so switch off the work laptop and pack away my notebooks. I make a fresh brew, which we have some raspberry and hazelnut chocolate, sitting in the back garden as the sun had broken out.

Two hundred and forty six I gather the dried thatch from yesterday's final lawn mow, and scattered a variety of seeds to make year's show even better!

And as the sun broke out, we went out for a walk. Time had slipped away from us, it was nearly four, so not enough time to get up to Windy Ridge as I had the music quiz to attend to.

A late afternoon walk We cut through the path leadig to Collingwood as we had to pay the windowcleaner, and after dropping his cash off, we walk to Station Road, up the hill and along the first track, past the memorial to the crashed B17, taking in the views and smells of early autumn.

A late afternoon walk In the hedgerows, elderberries and sloes are ripe and ready for picking to turn into hooch, but we are not doing that this year because of my gout, we have an almost full batch from last year. I take shots.

A late afternoon walk We turn away from Windy Ridge and back down to Collingwood, and then to home, getting back at ten past five, in time for a brew and some writing before it was time for the quiz.

A late afternoon walk I do OK and come 5th, which I am more than happy with, as there was 70 people taking part again.

Jen As soon as that was finished, we hop in the car and drive to Jen's for more Friday evening cards, this time with added pizza and garlic bread.

John Its a fine way to end the week, even if John wins heavily again.

It am the weekend.

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