Tuesday 7 September 2021

Monday 6th September 2021

Each morning and evening, the air is full of swallows, gathering here by the coast, ready for the first leg of their long flight south.

We sit on the pation, and their beeps and clicks fill our ears, and pairs chase each other, performin aerobatics all tight turns and looping the loop. A Migrant Hawker hawks through the garden, and eascaped the notice of the hungry swallows.

Two hundred and forty nine For now.

Jools' boss is on his holibobs again, so Jools is doing the work of two people for the next six working days, so she checks mails before leaving for the factory, and will come back in the evening, shattered.

Back on the trail of butterflies I will stay behind and be at the back and call of the cats.

But I have learned how to deal with them, just feed them whenever they want. Makes life at work very much easier. And the cats sleep off their multiple meals through the day.

Back on the trail of butterflies But it was Monday, and that meant work. Back in the Jugg Agane, chiz.

And there is the usual IT shambles, systems don't work. I call a colleague and its the same for him too. And then there was a Windows update, this may take some time the screen message said.

Back on the trail of butterflies I went out for a walk.

I go along the street then up along to Collingwood, before taking the track off it down and then up to Windy Ridge.

I am hoping to stumble on a Queen of Spain Fritillary, as it is nearly a year ago since I came across one last year, just resting on the side of a field right up by the wood.

Back on the trail of butterflies No luck this time, but it was hot. I walk along and come across a few Speckled Wood, including a pair trying to mate, but it wasn't quite working, no matter how much flapping the male did. I left them to it.

Back on the trail of butterflies Dom the track past Windy Ridge House and the cottage at the bottom, back along the track to turn back up to Collingwood, pausing only to snap the Common Toadflax that grows well just before the track jons back with Collingwood.

Back on the trail of butterflies I arrive back home after 45 minutes, updates done and ready for a meeting on the upcoming task to teach the whole organisation quality awareness and internal audits.

Pararge aegeria I make lots of notes, and with the radio babbling away beside me, the day passes into afternoon, and soon was time to pack up for the day.

Pararge aegeria There was a one day gap in the international footy, so just the radio to listen to, and write of course.

Before then I cook breaded chcken, enough for dinner and more to have cold for lunch through the rest of the week. There was also baby new potatoes served with melted butter and sea salt and freshy steamed corn.

Needless to say, it was marvelous.

Of course.

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