Saturday 25 September 2021

Friday 24th September 2021


Still on holiday.

And the country went totally fucking mad.

First of all, Jools went to work, as her boss is knacked with a bad back and is waiting for an MRI, paramedics had to come to collect him to take his to the hospital for the scan as he can't get downstairs.

I had chores planned.

Vacuuming, tidying, maybe some washing, and waitin for a parcel to be delivered.

And writing. Listening to podcasts.

I had finished hoovering, so was having a brew, looking at Twitter and I saw "Dover" trending.

Climate activists had blocked both Townwall Street and Jubilee Way after Priti's plan to pass laws for long sentences for doing this on the M25. So they came to Dover and blocked the port. And all main roads into and out of the town.

I let Jools know so she could plan an alternatve route home.

And then there was the fuel shortage. Although not really a shortage, a distribution problem, but all of Dover was out panic buying after the Government advised us to to panic buy.

By two the protests had died down, so Jools got back OK, but with queues leading to all filling stations, and Tesco blocked, I said we would go Saturday morning.

We had coffee instead.

We sat outside, watched the birds in the garden, and for a while, forgot the world's problems.

At six I did the music quiz, did badly, so we drove to Jen's, and saw long lines at the filling station at the Duke of Yorks, and by the time we came back two hours later, they had sold out.

Two hundred and sixty seven John was otherwise engaged, so just the three of us, we feasted on breaded chicken and garlic potatoes, then played a game of Meld, in which Jools won.

We left Jen's just as the gibbous waining moon was rising, dark orange against the indigo blue sky.

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