Wednesday 15 September 2021

Tuesday 14th September 2021

Welcome to Tuesday.

The chilly grey weather has returned, though with less strong winds, but no butterflies would be about again.

The big news was that we were having a new washing machine delivered. The old one stopped spinning, so clothes took two days to dry. Then it started working again, but we decided that we should replace it.

So, I was stuck in the house until they texted to say the delivery people were on their way. Or not as it turned out.

I had work to do, anyway.

So, no hardship.

Life with the cats has settled down, and the constant meowing which I had cured by just giving them food, so I could work uninterupted, if I could stop staring out the windows.

I had stuff to be getting on with, composing a polite e mail when I really should be banging it out in block capitals and in ted font at 48 point about how stupid they actually were.

But I was polite.

The report I sent off has generated no reply, so I will keep quiet about that for the time being, and I am mindful that the week before my holibob is ticking down and I am in a relaxed mode.

I have the last of last week's bread, toasted and with choclate spread and butter smothered over it. I'm so bad, but it starts the day better than fruit and yogurt does.

Mid morning there is more coffee, and I have the fruit.

The washing machine is delivered at nine. Two guys in a van pull up, we had received no text, no e mails, no calls, but I was in. They wanted no tea, and got down in taking the old one away, brought in the new one, test it to fillup, drain and spin.

Two hundred and fifty seven Ten minutes, maybe fifteen all done.

Outsdie the sparrows feast from the table that is the wildflower lawnmeadow, picking the expensive seeds I sowed a week or so ago. Some will germinate in the spring, I hope. I think about a scarecrow, half seriously.

I didn't go for a walk, instead I start watching Map Men on YouTube, short but informative bits about, well, maps and map history. I find them addictive, then realise I have dinner to prepare.

Dauphinoise potatoes I make crispbakes and serve them with Dauphinoise potatoes and steamed corn.

It was, even if I say so, rather good.

Crispbakes are sort of croquetburger things from M&S, I like them, and are good to whip out of the freezer for an occasional change.


It was a quiet evening, listening to the wireless as usual, following the football on Twitter and the BBC website. Man Utd lost, still, got to laugh.

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