Tuesday 23 November 2021

Monday 22nd November 2021

Aaah, Monday morning, I've been wondering when you'd show up.

And here you are, at half four in the morning, as my brain decided I should be awake. I read a chapter of the JCC book once my eyes could focus.

Here we go.

Jools is now getting very tired of the situation at work. She is coping, but working 100mph all day every day, just to stand still. She hasn't had to bring home work yet, at least for a couple of weeks, but mails are checked here at the dining room table before she gets ready, as it gives her more of a head start.

Red Sky in the morning Jools showeres and gets dressed, and has left again before six, leaving me with a podcast to listen before work.

But there had been a IT incident over the weekend, and most systems were down, so not much happening as it turned out. I tried to log into various systems through the day, but was locked out, doubly so of the VPN connection.

So it goes, so it goes.

In other news, I joined in a "Secret Santa" thing on Twitter, where we buy something small for a selected stanger. I had struggled to find any clues as to what the person I had to buy for, her timeline is full of work stuff and being a young Mother. But I found something nice at the Christmas Fayre in Tunbridge Wells on Saturday, threw in two pieces of Jools' beaded crochet jewellry and a card, and Bob's you Aunt's live in lover. Or something.

Three hundred and twenty six That meant I had to take the packet to the post office for weighing and payment.

I put it off through the day, as I really couldn't be bothered, but once the working day was done, I decided to go out. Now, several dark clouds had swept down from the north, blown by a very stiff and cold wind, but no rain or hail had fallen, so I thought I'd be OK.

I even thought I would come back via The Dip again.

I walked down and up Station Road, past the shop to the Post Office. There was no one waiting, so I went in, had it weighed and paid, also got Jools a birthday card and a quarter of rhubarb and custards.

It was now getting very dark, not because it was evening, but because of the dark cloud approaching. And within seconds, rain began to fall, heavier with each second, so I hurried to the bus shelter to take, er, shelter, and wait it out. Which wasn't helped as the wind was blowing the rain into the shelter, my legs got wet, but the rest of me was dry.

In fairness, I should have known I was going to get soaked I didn't have to wait long, as I saw some blue sky behind the cloud, and in ten minutes the rain stopped, so I could make good my escape, back down Station Road to home.

I get home damp, but with boiled sweets and a birthday card.

Which is nice.

I pack away work stuff, and begin to prepare dinner; breaded pork, curried rice and fresh steamed corn. Simple and tasty.

Jools was delayed by traffic, but got home at six, by which time dinner was all done, and it was dark outside, of course, and too cloudy to see the transit of the International Space Station past Saturn, Jupiter and Venus.


We eat, we clear stuff away and have coffee and listen to the radio.

Another day done.

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