Thursday 18 November 2021

Wednesday 17th November 2021

And again, after the audit comes the audit report.

Or wring it

Making sense of pages of scribbles notes and ideas, then this mess into a cohesive report.

Three hundred and twenty one That is my task for the day.

Which I was quite looking forward to. I was also short of milk and eggs so would have to nip out.

I was awake before five, so once Jools woke, we get up and feed the cats, put the heating on and make coffee.

Jools is falling further behind, and was dealing with work mails from quarter past five, and then get dressed and drive to the office where she would firefight until five. It is relentless for her, and no sign of Andy coming back, not of what caused one of his Vertebrae to turn to podwer.

Safe as milk I am at work at wenty to seven, finding the report template and get started.

Three hours pass.

I did have second coffee, breakfast and third coffee, but the milk situation was now critical. So, I stop work, put on my coat and put on my shoes for a stomp to the shop for supplies.

Safe as milk Not much to report on the way, just the usual stuff, car whizzing by, the day warming up, and bright, low sunsine.

Safe as milk I buy milk, eggs, crisps and naan breads, and am happy. I also have an ice cream, and eat it on the bench, judging people by the way they park of the cars they try to drive. It's a hobby.

Safe as milk Instead of walking straight back, I head off down Kingsdown Road, passing the parked cars on the pavement so having to walk in the road. Not sure if this is how it should work. Funniest is the notice on the gate to one house asking that people don't block with a parked car, whilst their parked car is totally blocking the pavement. I think about walking into the wing mirrors, but don't, instead resort to Paddington Bear hard stares.

Safe as milk I walk on.

Out into the countryside, along the lane. And apart from fine views over the valley to Chez Jelltex and the estate, not much to see, but I take shots. I had come out with just the compact, so was hoping not to see butterflies or dragons.

Safe as milk I reach the top of the Dip, turn down and stumble down the track, mostly still covered in long grass until I reach the bottom, so thread myself through the muddy tyre tracks at the bottom and up the other side, past Fleet House and along the lane to the path and home.

Safe as milk I had been gone an hour, wasn't missed.

So, I have lunch of cold fritters and a bag of piri-piri flavoured crisps and am ready for more report writing.....

Safe as milk The afternoon passes and by the end I have the question sheet complete, finish the report in the morning, and bingo!

I pack away and beging preparations for dinner: carbonara.

I separate six eggs, and cut the pancetta into pieces and weigh the pasta. All good to go.

Safe as milk So at half five I can cook the pasta and when done, fry the pancetta, then once cooked, add the pasta and some of the water to the pan, and once the sizzling stops, add the beaten egg and stir until all the pasta is coated. I warm one of the garlic naans and cut it into four, serve with the pasta and a glass of wine.

Safe as milk And done.

Evenings are really quiet now, just the radio on, some writing and stuff before Jools heads to bed at eight to read and then sleep at nine.

I find some more football to watch, though I give up on the cup game at nie and am soon snoring, I guess, too.

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