Friday 13 May 2022

COVID, Brexit and other Government shit

The good news is that I am running out of time.

I have to write yesterday's blog, edit shots, work, and so all the other stuff, as well as prepare for four days away next week in sunny Denmark, so I don't have time for the dull miserable shot you have gotten used to.


So, for the next two days there will be orchiding, then prepare for travel. Then travel. One day at work (Friday), and then nine days off for orchiding, three days back at work, then bank holidays and another week off.

Its all go.

Let me assure you that the Government still doesn't have a clue, is preparing for a trade war with the EU that may or not happen.

Is ignoring the scale of the cost of living crisis.

Telling everyone who'll listen COVID is done.

Telling everyone Brexit got done, but at the same time is trying to reopen negotiations and complains when either the EU won't talk or reject the UK's demands.

It's totally fucked, but it's been that way for six weeks.

There will be no posts her from Sunday until Friday.

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