Monday 23 May 2022

Party politics

As predicted by the walking brain, Dominic Cummings, having thrown junior members of the Civil Service under the bus and allowed them to get fines, pictures of various parties were leaked to ITV News yesterday.

The main one being a party in November 2020, a farwell party for a Johnson aide, which Johnson arranged, and in a number of shots is shown raising a toast and then drinking fizz.

This is a gathering that the Met decided not to issue a FPN to Jonson. It is possible they did not see these pictures, but now they have will the Met revisit this and other events to see if they should issue more?

Thing is, JOhnson was asked specifically about this party in the Commons in December 2021, and Johnson claimed not to have known and was as angry as the public.

He was there.

He arranged the event.

And he was angry?

So, from the events above we can safely says:

1. Johnson should be issued with a £10,000 for arranging a gathering in the 2nd lockdown.

2. He mislead Parliament by saying that ules were followed and he was unaware of the events.

3. He failed to correct the record at the earliest possible opportnity, so therefore should submit his resignation.

It has also been suggested that Johnson tried to pressure Grey to withdraw or delay her report.

All newspapers this morning, with the exception of the Mail and The Sun, carried the story.

Whether the Prime Minister lied and/or mislead Parliament is the key question for democracy in the country. If he can get off the hook on this one, who follows will get away with more. That a Member of the House faces harsher sanctions for accusing another Member of lying, even if they have evidence, than the person lying shows rules need to be changed.

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