Tuesday 31 May 2022

Still clueless after six years

Yesterday, JRM published the top ideas to "make the most of Brexit"

1. Encourage fracking, shortcut rules on planning, consultation, etc, via an emergency act.

2. In at number 2! Abolish EU rules limiting vacuum clearners to 1400w. Watt?

3. Remove precautionary principle restrictions on things like experimental medicines and GM crops.

4. Abolish rules on size of vans that need an operator's licence.

5. Abolish EU limits on electrical power levels on electrically assisted cycles.

6. Allow certain medical professionals, pharmacists, paramedics, to qualify in three years.

7. Remove the requirement for agency workers to have the attributes of permanent workers.

8. Simplify the calculation of holiday pay.

9. Reduce requirements for fixed wire testing for businesses.

And that is it after six years on from the referendum, Almost every single one is about removing consumer, worker or environmental protections. And to think that the UK sacrificed 12% of trade and 4% of GDP for this!

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