Wednesday 9 October 2019

Out of time

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your peepers.

It turns out, that to night is our last night in Chez Jelltex until the evening of the 26th.

Meaning these posts might be intermittent at best. If at all.

Jools is currently packing, I will do so too in the morning.

Operation Cat Round up in the morning too.

Meaning that time has run out, Mum passing has meant any kind of long term planning was impossible, and now we just have to do what we can.

The year has been a whirl, and these two weeks even more so.

I am looking forward to get on the plane on Saturday morning and just relax. Time to draw breath and reflect.

Then enjoy.

And I hope the same you all of you. There will be posts tomorrow, and then silence until, well, either be in Colchester, London or that America.

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