Thursday 24 October 2019


Our erstwhile PM, Alexander Boris de Piffel Johnson, announced that 12th of December was his chosen date for a General Election as his failure to secure the timetable for the WAB.

But again, The Commons said "no".

So, it seems the Government is going on strike.

Yes, you read that right.

Until Johnson gets what he wants, there will be no more business other than urgent stuff.

No Queen's Speech debate. No Budget. Nada.

One might point out that this is no different from the past two years, but hey.

So, Johnson cannot get his WA through the Commons, and the Commons will not allow him to have an election until after 31st October.

Not that it is going to fix anything, but it seems that the political system in the UK is even more paralysed than ever.

I have no idea how this is going to pan out, but all bets are off now. Once people learn that Johnson lies every time he opens his mouth, might they begin to question everything?

Who knows?

So, until next time.

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