Wednesday 30 October 2019

Tuesday 29th October 2019

Back to work.

Almost properly back to work, but as you will soon found out, there is more travelling to come.

Jools and I were both up at half five, she made coffee and fed the cats, as usual. I was too woolly headed to go on the cross trainer. I told myself I would go on it later, but knew that was a lie.

I listen to a podcast, eat breakfast, and soon enough it is time to start work. All I have to do is remember the password to log on.

Easier said than done.

But I had left myself a clue, so not all lost.

And once logged on, there are Windows updates to download and install. I can call people while this is going on, so have a chat with my boss and the guy who replaced me on the project.

I have a large backlog of mails, of course, but in general, not that many issues waiting for me to return. Most can be filed away in case for future reference.

People call me through the day to see how I am doing. I am doing fine, I tell them.

Which is the truth.

The cats have settled down and now are back on the old routine of bringing me mice/voles/goldfinches and demanding food'affection/treats/whatever.

I look out from the kitchen as a sup a cuppa. I see that the combination of plentiful rain and fairly warm temperatures have meant the grass is growing well, so much so that I have to get the mower out before it gets dark, just so its not too long come the spring, as it won't be mowed until August.

The birds are most upset with me being in the garden, getting in the way between them and the feeders, I can hear the goldfinches chirruping away in the trees.

And it is getting dark as I put the mower away.

Three hundred and two And as agreed, we are having fajitas again for dinner as we had half the tortillas left. Jools was supposed to be going to yoga, but bad traffic meant she didn't get back into Dover half an hour or more after the class began. So she came back home, not getting back before quarter to seven.

I begin cooking, and it is all ready in ten minutes or so, along with some wine for me and cider for Jools. She is hardcore.

And that is another day done, three days and it'll be the weekend.


I read The Secret Commonwealth before going to bed, rattling through 75 or so pages.

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