Sunday 10 November 2019

Living in denial

Today's front pages have been a uniform atack on Larbour's election policies and the cost they might have for the country.

The Conservative Party and it's Fleet Street fanboys are only too happy to say how much Labour's plans would cost: One trillion, one point five million. But ask the Tories how much their plans would cost, and they refuse to answer.

As I have pointed out many times, Brexit will cost. Big time. And any party planning on spending more will have to, has to, explain where the fucking money is coming from.

I could say next year we will do the cruise, visit Montreal and end the year in New Zealand, I mean nothing would give us pleasure, but the money would be coming from to pay for it all. And the same should be true for Brexit and the leaders of the two main parties.

But that would be too easy.

Too easy to show that the emperor has no clothes, he is naked and undressed, and the rest of the world is laughing at our stupidity. We will find out in the end, but it will be too late.

I said I would never vote Labour, but given the choice of voting LibDem or Green and the Tories getting in, or voting Labour and the Tories might lose, then its a no brainer. That's not saying its a vote for Corbyn, its a vote for anyone else other than Johnson.

Labour's plans might wreck the economy, Johnson's will. And maybe the only already rich will benefit. In the end, it's anyone but Johnson. Because vote Johnson, get Farage too.

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