Monday 11 November 2019

What does it mean?

This morning, or was it just afternoon, Nigel Farage backtracked and announced his "party" would not contest the 317 seats the Conservatives won at the snap election in 2017.

But would contest the remaining 300 British seats where the Tories did not win.

Got that?

So, in short, this could make a hung Parliament even more likely, as any Leave vote in those 300 constituencies would be split between Farage and Johnson. So, to make a real difference he would have to stand down his candidates from all seats the Tories are trying to target.


So the Brexit Party are not going to be responsible for the Conservatives losing seats, but will instead make it far more difficult for Conservatives to gain any.

So, the status quo could go on.

And on.

And on.


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