Sunday 5 July 2020

Plan going well

Yesterday, at six in the morning, pubs with all day licences could open. Many did.

Pictures emerged of people waiting in life before the doors opened, some even camped out to be first.

Supping his first pint of Carling, one punter said it was like angels pissing in his tongue.


Later, shots of crowds in Soho popped up on Social Media, showing how dumb the covidiots were.

But Ministers had been tweeting and saying all week that people should go out, have a pint, have a meal. And they did.

Ministers and Johnson tempered that by saying be careful, but no actual guidance.

The Government only released the legislation, an SI (surprise, surprise) at three on Friday afternoon, giving publicans, authorities and the Police nine hours to prepare. There were major changes from the draft version circulated earlier in the week. Its almost like the Government is making it up as they go along.

Which they probably are.

Much rather the keyboard warriors blame each other than the Government for not actually having any policies or having released any guidance. Sure, turn on those who were doing as they were told.

Police chiefs reported most people behaved well, and hospitals reported being quiet. So, a few pictures don't tell the whole story.

Meanwhile, the Government is balancing the need of taking part in the EU's vaccine procurement scheme with it being better to do it alone and kill thousands more can die un-neccessarily.

That is literally where we are as a country, the Government considering another course fo action that will result in thousands more deaths!

In the same line, the Government has bought a half billion stake in a bankrupt satellite company, hoping to piggy-back GPS onto the micro-satellites, despite industry experts saying it would never work. The Government would rather do this than ask to rejoin the EU scheme that the UK helped design and has already part funded.

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