Friday 31 July 2020

Thursday 30th July 2020


Not Friday.

But not Monday, at least.

Each day gets warmer, and getting the enthusiasm to work out each morning and afternoon gets harder, but then I look at my swollen ankles and get myself up the stairs to do a session. Though it would turn out I would not do an afternoon session this day, either.

Two hundred and twelve So it goes, so it goes.

I am done, Jools has gone for a walk, so I make breakfast and get coffee ready without boiling the pot, so it'll be fresh for when Jools comes home.

Then there is the morning meeting, and just three of us attend, there is no news. No gossip. We talk about spiders and jellyfish instead and swap stories of the scariest thing we know. I show box jelly fish and naked mole rats.

Italian Yellow Ewwww.

Jools was going to go shopping as we were running low of things, but a change of plan meant Jen was coming to dinner and it was decided that Thursday was to be curry night. So, I spend an hour investigating the menu of the Raj in Whitfield.

Dahlia Outside it is hot and sunny. Too hot for me to sit outside, at least for long. Jools does gardening, until lunchtime, at which point it is too warm. But I do chase butterflies round the garden at various times, species seen: Common Blues, Brown Argus, Peacocks, Red Admirals, Large White, Gatekeepers, Meadow Browns all in the garden today, only shots were of the Common Blue, though.

Common Blue Polyommatus icarus And I snap flowers.

Jools bought a solar powered water fountain, it was to be a present for Cath, her sister, but we trialled it and found it works only in direct sunshine, something that Cath's house gets little of. We might just keep it.

Diamonds Once we get it working, it tinkles and sprinkles until the sun sets over the yardarm. Whatever that is.

Afternoon comes and it is too damn hot for phys. So there.

I order the curry online, Jools goes to pick up Jen and collect the food.

Karmeliet tripel I prepare by putting plates in the oven to warm to the same temperature as molten lava; Jen likes hot plates, and I cannot lie. I open a big bottle of tripel and wait, sitting on the patio in the shade now that the sun was behind the house.

Jools returns with Jan, food and wine.

What could go wrong?

We eat well. Jen can relax and drink without having to worry about her Mum. Betty is still n hospital. May have a hernia, and there is nothing the doctors can do, as she is too frail to have an operation. She is on drugs and stable, but knows nothing of where she is or that Jen cannot visit due to COVID.

Blue for you Life goes on. In a way.

Jen stays to nine, by which time I have finished the beer and Jen says I should have a wine. I fight the urge, but give in, so sip a couple of glasses while i watch the Fulham v Cardiff game on TV, which was exciting, if not skillful.

Bed at half nine.

I sleep well.

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