Saturday 2 September 2023

Friday 1st September 2023

First day of the month, and also a Friday.

Fridays are good.

Better than good.

In fact.

Jools went to work early, so I could get the chores done. Mainly putting the bins out.

Two hundred and forty three Although the thunder failed to arrive, we did wake up with heavy drizzle falling, and it being still dark at five. A taste of mornings to come, I think.

So, I dashed about putting the bins and garden waste out, then back inside for another coffee before work began.

And work was steady.

No better, no worse.

All morning, rain fell meaning that gardening would be easier in the afternoon if the rain actually stopped.

I got the hoe and edging spade out, tackled more of the lath to reveal the two hidden rows of bricks and so make it a third wider.

The path ahead is clear Jools helped too, scraping out weeds from between the bricks, not perfect, but good enough.

At half five I had an interview with the podcast to celebrate my birthday, and then take part in the music quiz, which I failed totally at.

Finally, we go to Jen's for supper and cards, but greeted with the news that John would not be joining us as he doesn't trust his eyes to drive in the dark. He can't judge where the kerbs are, so will only drive during daylight hours from now on.

So, the three of us play, and Jen scoops the 30p jackpot before Jools takes us back home in the car.

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