Wednesday 20 September 2023

Tuesday 19th September 2023

International Speak Like a Pirate Day 2023.


Our 15th wedding anniversary.

. We had plans in the afternoon, but until then, situation normal.

Jools went swimming, and I fed the cats, emptied the bins, filled up the feeders and generally was ahead of the game by the time work started.

And for item of business, literally, was news of the great announcement.

Not great.

It turned out.

The grand plan was revealed, and it sounded good, but what for us, the team of tireless auditors?

No change.

More work.

No extra money.

No new recruitment.

But the future is glorious.


In a minuted meeting, I made my displeasure clear. By boss's boss was surprised that we took the lack of elevation one corporate level so badly.

I was brave enough to speak out, I received votes of thanks, but no one else said anything.

So, despite being so close to the centre of the organisation, and essential for the clean up that has to take place, they appreciate what we do, in anything except actual anything for monetary value.

Sundae day Sigh.

And so at two, Jools returned home and we went out, into Deal for a celebration of ice cream sundaes, not at an Italian place, but a traditional English ice cream parlour, which adds a certain faded seaside glamour about it.

Sundae day We were the youngest folks in, as the old and elderly tackled their cones as the ice cram melted and covered their hands.

Ours were sundaes, and too sweet after much syrup being used to create the masterpieces.

I had a coffee to take away the sugar rush, then we went outside in the gales for a cobweb destroying walk to the end of the pier and back, and as we walked back, more rain began to fall, we decided to head home.

Deal seafront Jen was coming round to help us celebrate, so I was cooking steak and chips n garlic mushrooms and fresh corn. And fizz.

Deal pier She arrived at half four, I cooked so we were eating just after five, tucking into steaks weighing 15oz each.


And it was good.

And the evening was rounded off with coffee and me lstening to one football match while watching another.

Because, skillz.

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