Thursday 14 September 2023

Wednesday 13th September 2023

Middle of the week.

You're gonna find me.

Find me.

In the middle.

In the middle.

In the middle of the week.

Or something.

After two days in which, at work at least, I had made some forward progress, so it should be expected that a step backwards would be round the corner, though not as quickly one hoped.

At least the weather has returned to something approaching normal, I had woken wrapped only in a sheet and feeling chilly. So it was once up and about, the sheet was replaced with a duvet for we hope some better quality sleep that night.

Two hundred and fifty six An exciting day for Jools, she was off to that London and then that Birmingham to attend a trade show in her role as a metal purchaser, to network and meet some of her suppliers.

This meant catching the ten past six train out of Dover. And that meant finding a parking space before most people were up and left for their work.

I had the usual, at home with the cats and my work computer, meetings and e mails to keep me entertained.

As you can see, I tried out the pano setting on the new phone and created this. All very easy and impressive.

Garden panorama I should have gone for a walk, but left it too late into the day, really. Instead I sat on the patio, drank beer and ate salted corn kernels while the cats looked on.

Jools called to say she would be home at about half four, so I rustled up dinner, fried potatoes, herb-encrusted double lamb chops and fresh corn.

All done for when she came home, served with beer and/or cider, and was very very nice.

Jools had met many people, got lots of free gifts and samples, walked 15,000 steps and was shattered.

With no football, we went to bed early to read and was asleep before it got dark.


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