Tuesday 19 September 2023

Monday 18th September 2023

Weekend ends and so we pack up our troubles and head to the coalface with our snap in our knapsacks whilst whistling a happy tune and our hats at a jaunty angle.

Autumn arrives this week with three days of storms, wind, if not lightning. But between there is some sun.

A hard day of meetings trying to get people to understand the reality of what they have done, without much success, if I'm honest.

Two hundred and sixty one But this is to be a short week, an hour or so off on Tuesday and then meeting a friend on Wednesday in Canterbury, so exciting stuff.

Even if work isn't.

Later in the day I tried to do some gardening, trimming the lavender out front, but as soon as I snipped a dead head off, the wind whisked it along the street.

pan o rama We'll call that a draw.

Jools was going to her new aquafit class in the evening, so a late dinner of fritters and a nice beer, for me.

Darkness now falls just after seven, and so the long dark winter months are now drawing in.

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