Thursday 2 August 2018

Brexit is coming. Or not

Brexit is either coming, or it isn't. If it isn't, then the Government of the day would have to either revoke the A50 notification, or ask the EU27 permission to do so. Still no one knows how A50 can be stopped, but we know it can. At the moment there is no sign that the current Government has any other plan than Brexit. It has also ruled out a 2nd referendum, so as it stands, Brexit here we come.

But as the hours and days speed by, the panic is getting louder, as industries that thus far have remained quiet because they hped sense would prevail or because they have signed NDA with the Government after being shown "plans". Jobs will go, employers will either close or relocate, and much of this is already in advance planning, so just stopping Brexit, even today, wouldn't change that much. The UK has burned trust and goodwill with the EU and businesses, and it will take decades to get that back. But still the UK threatens not to honour it's existing commitments, meaning the country becomes ever more untrustworthy on the international stage.

Jools and I had a discussion about moving, now that food and medicine shortages are being talked about, but we have left it too late, to be able to do that, we would need to be in another country already. So we will probably stay and try to ride the chaos out. And there will be chaos, as the trucks that we need to bring us supplies to the shops we use, will be stuck in the jams of traffic waiting to get to the port. April is the meanest time in the countryside, there are very ew roots and berries to eat, its when wildlife is most desperate for food, as so will we.

Energy is priced in dollars, so the pound/dollar exchange rate will be ever more important. It is lower now than before the referendum, but would plunge after a hard or no deal Brexit.

May has demanded that there be UK only lines at ports and airports, but as most people arriving in the country are UK citizens, we would probably have to queue longer than EU based passengers.

For months, Brexiteers have been demanding that there be planning for a no deal, so then there was planning, and the news so bad it was hushed up. So, no preparation for most people, just blissful ignorance.

For most Brits, the disaster that will become Brexit, will be a surprise. As the BBC and other media have failed to report on the implications of what Brexit is, just seen still as an abstract concept. All areas of UK life will be affect, most will be made worse. But I will have a tattoo on my forehead, which will read "I fucking told you so"

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