Monday 27 August 2018

On Allergies

Yes, allergy season is here.

I do not suffer from allergies, generally from the early spring until the week of my birthday, and as it was my birthday over the weekend, and indeed on the afternoon of my birthday on Friday, I began to have my first attack since the early spring.

I have no idea what sets the allergy off at this time of year. There are no obvious plant group that flowers just from now until April, and as my blood tests state I'm not allergic to anything other than house dust and house mtes, then, who knows? Only, I do know, mainly through keeping this blog, that oversuing toiletries and deodorants can set a reaction off, so I am very careful, always, about how much I use.

The allergy last all though the evening and into the night, but dosing myself up on antihistamine just about kept the worse at bay and allowed me to sleep. Another tablet in the morning of the 26th and the attack faded away.

In the fallow period of late spring and into summer, I forget I have allergies, and am a little more generous in the amount of shower gel used, so this is a wake up call for me.

At least I am OK now, breathing well and a good night's sleep last night. But its a long autumn and winter ahead, saying that, last year was the first in which I had no major attack which resulted in me not being able to sleep.

Here's hoping for another trouble free winter........

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