Friday 10 August 2018

Thursday 9th August 2018

Back home again, and with three day's work to catch up on, but mainly, a massive review of documentation, update a spreadsheet and send out important mails.

Finally, the weather turned. We knew it was going to rain and be windy, but just how cool and dark the day was, was shocking. And it doesn't get light now until after 5, so soon we shall be getting up in the dark as the year grows ever older.

We even had to have the table light on as we sipped the first coffee of the day, while outside darker and darker clouds scuttled across the sky.

I had two hours of meetings to start the day, and by the time the second one was done, the rain was hammering down, a proper downpour, and all I could think of was that the water butts would be filling up, and there would be no need to water the garden that night.

Two hundred and twenty Molly had eaten breakfast and gone to sleep the day through in a dark place, but to be honest we were more and more concerned as it seemed her left eye was now being affected, along with her not being able to chew on her right side. Later we would see her walk into one of the loudspeakers in the living room, apparently not having seen it.

Outside the rain fell harder and harder, and it was good just to stand at the door and watch the rain bounce off the patio.

It was one of those days when there was work to do, so just put your head down and get it done.

By half four I had sent the last of the mails, so I could switch the computer off, and with the rain having stopped, I could go for a walk round the garden, checking mainly on the growing passionfruit to see if they would ripen.

We dine on bangers and mash for dinner, which was rather splendid as was the fresh corn.

In the evening, we sat to watch something on TV, and Molly came to sit with us, she was having trouble keeping her tongue in her mouth.

I knew.

What with several nights of poor sleep, it was a relief to go to bed at eight, and fall into a deep sleep.

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